Saturday, September 25, 2010


To day Iam going to talk a bout my daily routain .Firt one when Iget up at 5:30I go to the bathroom. After that Igo to the pray .Than I eat the break fast .At 6:30I go to the get a dresses .Than I wait  a buss  after that Igo to the college by buss at 6:45.Than I start  the class at 8:00.I would like to be work in a bank I love to communciate with other people .When we finish the class Igo to the buss. After that I return my house . than Igo to eat my lunch .When I finish eat my lunch Igo to the sleep . The eveninig Igo to eat the dinnar .When I finish eat the dinnar .Afther that I do my homework .The end I go to sleep. 


  1. Nice routine sana ^_^

    You don't do much things in the day ...
    Why ?

  2. yes.... Ahmed is right... you are not doing much!
